Supreme Court ruling extends SOX whistleblower protection to private contractors

On March 4, 2014, the Supreme Court in a split decision ruled that employees of private companies servicing public companies are covered by the whistleblower protections of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (“SOX”)

[U.S., No. 12-3, 3-4-14]. In this case, two employees of a private company contracted by a publicly-traded mutual fund alleged that they were terminated in retaliation for raising fraud issues about the fund. With this decision, the Supreme Court has expanded the universe of companies regulated by the SOX whistleblower provision from about 5,000 public companies to potentially millions of private ones, including the smallest of businesses. Employers of every size and type have to be prepared for potential SOX whistleblower retaliation claims if they are a contractor or subcontractor of a publicly traded company.